Thursday, April 13, 2023

Through the Looking Glass: A Journey of Love, Loss, and Lessons Learned

A Fleeting Encounter

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the bustling streets, I caught my first glimpse of her. She moved gracefully through the crowd, a delicate yet confident presence that left a lasting impression on my heart. Our eyes met, and in that moment, our souls intertwined, setting the stage for a love story that would forever change my life.

The Unlikely Union

Our connection was undeniable, and the age difference between us did little to dim the spark that ignited our passionate affair. She was young, her youthful exuberance a breath of fresh air in my otherwise routine life. I, on the other hand, was an older man who had traversed the rugged terrain of life, and was eager to share my wisdom and experiences with her.

The Chasm Widens

As our relationship progressed, I began to notice her increasing fondness for late-night revelries and socializing with friends and strangers alike. As someone who cared deeply for her, I couldn't help but express my concerns for her safety and well-being. Tragically, my genuine attempts at guidance were misconstrued as attempts to control her, driving a wedge between us.

Shadows and Secrets

In response to what she perceived as my overbearing nature, she began to engage in these activities behind my back, eroding the foundation of trust upon which our relationship was built. As the shadows of suspicion grew darker, I couldn't help but wonder if she was cheating on me, further straining our already fragile bond.

The Crossroads

Despite her clandestine adventures, she continued to enjoy the lavish lifestyle I provided, her heart torn between the allure of the unknown and the comforting embrace of our love. In a heart-wrenching conversation, she confessed that she could not control her impulses and that our relationship was unsustainable.

The Bitter Truth

As the painful reality set in, I acknowledged that we were two souls on divergent paths, destined to walk away from each other. Yet, even after our emotional farewell, I discovered that she continued to take my generosity for her own lavish lifestyle. The bitter truth was that our love had become a mere transaction, a far cry from the passionate connection we once shared.

The Curtain Falls

With a heavy heart, I severed the final ties that bound us together, and our once-intimate connection began to fade into the annals of my memory. The cruel end of our story was one of quiet acceptance and personal growth, as I came to understand that love could be a complex, all-consuming force that can bring both joy and pain.

A New Beginning

As I look back on our tumultuous journey, I carry with me the lessons and experiences gained from this chapter of my life. Though the cruel end of our love story may have left a lasting mark on my heart, I remain hopeful that the future may yet hold a love story with a kinder, more gentle ending. For now, I continue to move forward, embracing the lessons of the past and looking towards the horizon with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mi Wifi 3c Router how to Update 2.8.51 Firmwire


Lots of people are unable to find the update for Mi Wifi 3c Router 2.8.51.

Xiaomi have removed the link from web site and also stopped selling product in India now.

But any ways here is link for the same

Thanks and subscribe me on Youtube

Friday, October 25, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019

Efficient and Cost-effective Roof Cleaning and Temperature Control with Lime Application and Electricity Savings :- My experience and experiment

1) छत पर अछी तरह झाडू लगाए.. मिट्टी पूरी तरह से साफ कर दे..(समय shaam 4 से 7 बजे)

2)अगर छत पर काले रंग की kaai उगी है तो उसे लोहे के ब्रश से रगड़ कर निकाले, क्यूँकि चुना और fevicol मिट्टी पर पकड़ नहीं बना सकते, छत एक दम साफ और चिकनी होने पर ही चुना टिक पाता है..(समय shaam 4 से 7 बजे)

3)अब छत को खुले पानी से धोए और सारी बची हुई मिट्टी को धो डालिए , वाईपर से और तिल्ली वाला झाडू प्रयोग करे..समय सुबह 5 से 6 बजे)

4) छत कुछ पानी को सोख लेगी और अतिरिक्त पानी को हटा कर 1 घंटा सूखने दे.

5) धूप खिलने से पहले ठंडे  चुने की 10 किलो और narlock (favicol) के 1 किलो के हिसाब से  पानी में मिला ले.. अछी तरह घोलने के बाद छत पर पहली परत लगाइए.. चुने को वाईपर या पेंट ब्रश से लगाया जा सकता है..

6)पहली परत को 2 घंटे तक सूखने दें.. फिर दोबारा दूसरी परत लगाए. उसे 14 घंटे तक सूखने दे.. दूसरी परत की मोटाई ज्यादा रखिए..

7)यदि आवश्‍यक हो तो तीसरी परत लगाई जा

सकती है..

चुने को लगाते समय आँख और त्वचा को ढक कर रखे..

अच्छे नतीज़े के लिए, घर की बाहरी दीवारो को सफेद रखे,

Results :- नालागर में बाहर का तापमान 38 डिग्री होने पर छत बिल्कुल गरम नहीं थी और घर का तापमान लगभग 26 डिग्री पर था, वातानुकूलित यंत्रों की आवश्यकता नहीं थी और बिना छत के पंखों से भी घर काफी आराम दायक था..

पहले यदि बाहर 38 डिग्री तापमान होता था तो घर का तापमान 40 डिग्री तक पहुंच जाता था .

लागत :- चुना 100 rupees 10 किलो मिलता है  कुल 180 किलो चुना लगा (1800 रुपए). कुल 18 किलो narlock adhesive लगा.. कुल 3960 रुपए. 600 रुपए दिहाड़ी मज़दूर
Total :- 6360 रुपए लागत..

हर दिन 50 यूनिट बिजली की बचत हुई यानी 1500 यूनिट मासिक.. यानी 7500 रुपए महीना की बचत .

अगर हर घर को इस तरह रंग दिया जाए तो हम सालाना 1 लाख करोड़ की बिजली की बचत कर सकते हैं..

मुझसे आप पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं..

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

मैं कठिन हू,

मुझे समझना उतना ही कठिन है.. जितना भूखे का रोटी को निगलना , मुझे भुलाना , उतना ही कठिन है.. जितना खुद को भुलाना .. मुझमे कोई बात हो या ना हो, मेरी किसी बात को भूला पाना कठिन है.. बहुत कठिन है..
इसलिए मुझे समझो मत.. मेरे हो कर मुझ में अवशोषित हो जाओ.. बहुत सरल है, बहुत सरल है.. मुझे मन से समझो, या मन में समझो.. सरल है बहुत सरल है.. ना समझो तो कठिन है बहुत कठिन है..

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It was me!!

Alone I sat, lost in thought profound,
Much I'd gained, or so I found,
Yet a hollow shadow did appear,
A reflection of myself, once near.

Shocked and awed, my heart did race,
No longer could I find my place,
A shadow, a whisper, a lingering dread,
I sought to peer inside my head.

Within my depths, a world revealed,
Its secrets, pain, and beauty concealed,
A window to my soul did gleam,
A paradox both sad and serene.

I was, I wasn't - a duality,
A union of worlds, in synchrony,
The essence of me, the universe aligns,
In every moment, as space and time entwines.

Secret of Universe

  Secret our universe... 10 Directions, 26 dimensions 18 Directions, No Dimension can exist 36 Dimensions, no direction can exist.. I dont h...